Md. Mostafa Kamal
Chief Advisor
As-salamu alaykum. It is a cherished desire for every family to be an owner of a house and we go a step further to make you realise that desire. Here in Greenland Town, we pay close attention to even the smallest details. With our Tripplec Harmony City my vision is to create a living experience which is just between luxury and comfort, with a touch of greenery. Were we with our families can live in harmony.
This life and all the pleasure within it is temporary, nothing will last forever but with this and all of our future projects my aim is to establish a society where we can be assured of sustainabilty, safely & secuirity along with the longevity of our investments for us and our loved ones.
May Allah the all glorious aid us in our noble vision.
It is a crucial fact to build a sustainable residential infrastructure for the mass populated country like us. I am honored to be a part of this ambitious project “GREEN LAND TOWN”. We can assure this apartment project is going to be a landmark of Purbachal town for its eye catching design and grand size.
Join us, be a part of our project. Discover the joy of living in harmony.